Fontstructing since | 29th April, 2009 |
Fontstructions | 23 shared, 3 staff picks |
Shared Glyphs | 2107 |
Downloads | 878 downloads made of this designer’s work |
Comments Made | 147 |
Convieved as an extreme expression of the general method of architectural lettering (thin vertical, thick horizontal), the resultant banding reminded me of the unbuilt house Adolph Loos designed for aclaimed actress, dancer, singer and partisan Josephine Baker, for a site in Paris (her adopted city) just before WW2.
This is a cloneRepublished with some accents, diacritics, etc. Likely still in progress (as if anything is ever really finished.) Cheers,
Several glyph refinements:
Latin- 5
Greek- Lower Case bita, gamma, ita, ksi.
Substantial refinements: curved horizontal termini, greater articulation at intersections.
This is a cloneA bold, rounded, mono spaced typeface; useful at various scales, I think. Designed primarily for use in English, also useful in French and Spanish. It's functionality in Greek is limitted, only really useful in a display context, or where only Demotic usage is required; not useful in Katharevousa, Koine, Classical, etc. Open Font Liscence, hope it is enjoyable and of use.
This is a clone