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Personal URL | vtotfs2021.itch.io |
Fontstructing since | 14th July, 2021 |
Fontstructions | 40 shared, 0 staff picks |
Shared Glyphs | 4048 |
Downloads | 414 downloads made of this designer’s work |
Comments Made | 52 |
Object Grotesque is a medium Sans-serif typeface. With its low contrast and modern look, making it perfectly for our branding and headlines. These typeface works well both in larger and smaller sizes and handles tight spacing nicely. This font includes 235 characters.
Inspired by Special Broadcasting Service’s Mercator Logo.
A new font name as the "Mercator" (named as the shapes look like a mercator globe in 2D) was launched in December 2021 instead of March 1993. It features five blue curved splices with the letters SBS in white. The five splices represent the five continents of the world and the sat on a 23.5° angle which depicts the natural tilt of the Earth's axis. The ID's usually show the Mercator logo without the letters SBS between 1995 and 2003.
Jaunia is a 90s Display Typeface Designed by VTOTFS2021, This version contains the complete 140 character set, which includes the Greek character set. Jaunia was designed with an upright stress, open forms and a neutral, SBS 1990 Inspiration, yet friendly appearance but with unfinished building Greek letters.
Version 1.2 Fixed Lowercase "l"
para fonts, Your Next to clone Mystery Std. As Clone name:
Mystery Underlined Std.
saberrider will make an art of this Typeface font.
In 70s, India and Romania Founded Crew Sans Typography used as A-OTF. Crew Sans is a Heavy Sans Serif that used as brick round and much more, This design is also created by VTOTFS2021, The Crew Sans Font is now coming used in Romania and India. The Letter I and L are the same letters.
Macy One is a sans-serif typeface designed by VTOTFS2021 for The Weeg Mod.
Some dialogue used pixelated font is VCR OSD or VCR EAS. Now the Typography Font used as Bold. The Font License used is Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain Dedication.
Chavon is a pixelated monospace that comes with awesome texture. VTOTFS2021 took the charge of designing and releasing it for the first time in 2021. All texture created with basic cubic strokes and with proper baselines. Also, the designer created sans serif corners. So, you can easily use thes various font for basically designs and on a behalf of sans serif typefaces.
Rickiestereo is a Sans-Serif font carefully designed for computer & mobile screens.
Our insistence black font Is now used a expertly hinted for screen use. So It was similar to Artmix. a pretty completive set of diacritics, as well as a stylistic alternative inspired by more sans-serif and claim typefaces than its nonsense Hardcore inspired default character set. the forms for the Rickiestereo typeface letter Q were being drawn.
Looking for the cities.