What better way to celebrate our bright future than pushing a whole creative medium forward? Introducing Brick Patching – a combinatoric approach to constructing hyper-tunable curved and angular modular forms.
Stay tuned to this space; *eventually I will describe this highly useful hack and fully document the technique.
Upgrade your gray matter cuz one day it may matter.
OTTO FONT SCHIRACH - Art Deco tile mosaic lettering design.
It's designed to craft layers of typographic mosaics. It can create very subtle clear display text combinations when only layering text with just one or two backgrounds max. This will result in nice retro-ish mosaic typography. But beware, combining two or more background patters with for example different blending modes on each layer, this seemingly peaceful boy becomes capable of recreating the big bang!
All patterns are located in the Unicode block for Block Elements!
You know what, lets make this one clonable for everyone.
The normal version.
This is a clone of AT Imagiro ReversedThe reversed version of AT Imagiro for the Reversecomp (2nd entry).
This should be printed on paper and cut according to symmetry axis to achieve the result as in the samples.