Published: 8th December, 2012
Last edited: 9th December, 2012
Created: 8th December, 2012
This one is dedicated to, and inspired by, AFT. Also dedicated to Ssaamm and Nazlfrag who inspired AFT. :)
And yes, the w in my avatar comes from this.
Published: 31st October, 2011
Last edited: 31st October, 2011
Created: 29th October, 2011
Sam Lambert, Graphic Design student at UWE.
For my project I went with the theme of laziness (after an early failed attempt at using the theme of repetition).
Whilst researching my theme I looked into the things people like doing best when feeling lazy, two very popular activities were smoking and sleeping. I wanted to create a simple/clean typeface that had a lazy feel to it. I tried to avoid giving it a predictable slouched look and thought a smokey/dreamy effect would work well for a font and also link to my research.
I wanted to incorporate the smoking and sleeping/dreaming themes into the name and thought 'Pipe Dream' was perfect as it relates to both smoking and dreaming.
All feedback is appreciated.
Published: 15th October, 2009
Last edited: 16th October, 2009
Created: 2nd October, 2009
A new member of the Afro-family is born: Afroblack, another version of Afrobeat without any horizontal lines. Although I changed only a couple of details it has a very different feeling. Take a look at the example! I´m not sure about the numbers, probably a few of them have need to be reworked. What do you think?
This is a clone of Afrobeat Regular
Published: 2nd October, 2009
Last edited: 3rd October, 2009
Created: 2nd October, 2009
Clone of Afrobeat Regular. Same lc as Afrobeat Regular, but with small caps and small numbers. You have many different possibilities to combine the letters, take a close look at the example. Looks smoother and more balanced to me. What do you think? More glyphs to come.
*=alt.l, #=alt.t, %=alt.fThis is a clone of Afrobeat Regular
Published: 2nd October, 2009
Last edited: 2nd October, 2009
Created: 30th September, 2009
Another bold condensed filter-type, with a funky 70s-feeling (especially the lowercase). Inspired by Apollo & Samoa.
I didn´t like the Uppercase, so I tried out a few more things with Afrobeat II. Be sure to take a look at both! I´m open for suggestions.
More glyphs to come...
Published: 20th September, 2009
Last edited: 22nd September, 2009
Created: 1st September, 2009
The new black & white interactive type! You can write using only the Upper case, or only with the Lower case, or write every single letter/word different. Match provides many interesting possibilities. Just take a look at the example and download it. Hope you like it, write a comment!
8x4 bricks, no filters used.
Published: 4th September, 2009
Last edited: 11th September, 2009
Created: 3rd September, 2009
If you want to create cool Letterings, try Underground!
This was inspired by Pincoya Black Type by Daniel Hernandez. You can write letter by letter using the Uppercase or you can connect every character using the alternates.
Please take a look at the example, then you´ll understand the idea!
Lowercase are alternates of the same letter or a different letter. >=alt.B, <=alt.D, @=alt.T
Underline:=+, Overline=*, Filter: 1,6.
Published: 2nd September, 2009
Last edited: 1st October, 2009
Created: 31st August, 2009
The Cross-spider-Font! Another Filter-Fontstruction (1.7). The intention was to create a modern, geometric headline-font with a unique touch. At the beginning only a few letters (like A, D, O) had the cross on them, but then I decided to use this element for the whole font.
Hope you like it, take a look at the example. Please write a comment if you have any suggestions!
Published: 22nd August, 2009
Last edited: 4th September, 2009
Created: 18th August, 2009
This is a very simple one..."Apollo" is dedicated to the English graphic designer, typographer and art director Neville Brody. A few days ago I read the book "The Graphic Language of Neville Brody" and while creating this font I realized that it looks a bit like a few typefaces he did back in the days.
Hope you like it, write a comment if you have any suggestions!
* = alt.A,
# = alt.$,
% = alt.j (less spacing)
Published: 19th August, 2009
Last edited: 4th September, 2009
Created: 17th August, 2009
If Bold is not enough...try Ultrabold! Part two of the Samoa-Typefamily. Hope you like it, take a look at the example. Write a comment if you have any suggestions!This is a clone of Samoa
Published: 17th August, 2009
Last edited: 2nd October, 2009
Created: 14th August, 2009
"Samoa" is another bold typeface experiment where I used the filters (1.6). Looks striking to me although I´m not sure about Z, 4 and 7...How do you like it? Write a comment!
Published: 13th August, 2009
Last edited: 13th September, 2009
Created: 8th August, 2009
Freestyle is not a usual font, as you see. The concept was inspired by the "How very Tokyo"-poster by Spin (I posted it in the comments). I liked the idea of cutting every letter into pieces so it looks artistic but is still readable.
Freestyle consists of three parts: the whole letter at the top and in the middle/at the bottom there are parts of it, cut vertically.
Upper- and Lowercase are different. Under construction, more glyphs to come. This can be used e.g. for posters or magazine layouts. What do you think about this experiment?
< = alt.I
> = alt.I
* = alt.space
# = alt.space
Published: 8th August, 2009
Last edited: 2nd October, 2009
Created: 3rd August, 2009
Don´t trust the preview, take a look at the Example! Dedicated to the marvellous DJ Shadow. This is another contemporary Display-Font I created using the Brick-Size-Filters (adjusted at 1.75). It´s not a 3D-Font, or a puzzle or a construction plan, but I think it´s a very consistent typeface:-) Hope you like it, please write a comment if you have any suggestions. More letters to come.
Published: 31st July, 2009
Last edited: 31st July, 2009
Created: 29th July, 2009
What can I say? Just another very simple, edgy typeface...A mix of Bauhaus and 80s-style. Hope you like it. Check out the example.
Published: 2nd March, 2009
Last edited: 4th September, 2009
Created: 8th February, 2009
This is one of my biggest projects so far. Clockwise is not a copy of anything I´ve seen before, I just tried to create an interesting Slab-Serif font. So check out the example and rate it if you like it!
%=alternate N.