The font canonically used by the fictional megacorporation known as Tetra Corp. It was revealed to me in a dream.
Credit is not strictly required if you use this font, though it would be greatly appreciated!!
~ katherine Awesome
Now including the Gothic alphabet!
Proletarian font is inspired by the aesthetics of posters and slogans in the USSR. First, the letters of the Russian alphabet were made. And then Latin signs were added to it. This version will be slightly improved.
XATURATE - Heavy weight Egyptian slab
Here is another throwback of my original older works, now refurbished and expanded into a complete font that includes multilingual support.
As part of the recent endeavours into my older FontStruct works, digging for the forgotten and lost potential gems, I stumbled upon this Egyptian style Slab-Serif, called 'XATURATE'.
This classic looking heavy weight Slab-Serif design was left rather inconsistent and pretty incomplete. I don't remember why I abandoned
this back then, since this letterforms had great potential. They just needed a healthy fresh perspective and a little bit of extra love to make them shine after all.
• polished shape and form
• Rebalenced full character set
• Added multilingual support
• Included many symbols & punctuations
• Overhauled entire metrics
• Partial kerning (WIP)
I couldn't be more happy with the final result,
Let me know what you think...
U+E000 is the .notdef glyph.
This is the largest Nokia font ever.
UPDATE [27 JUN 2023]: Fixed "ÿ". U+00FF
UPDATE [29 JUN 2023]: Fixed "ǐ". U+01D0
UPDATE [09 NOV 2023]: Fixed "ـ". U+0640
VEROORDEELD - A geometric slab serif
This is a small type family with two style variations, see links bellow!
• Display Bold contrasted display version ◄- U are here!
• Text Light weight monostroke version
Accidental Fontstruct remake of Senator by Emigre. Initially reconstructing the lettering seen on this book cover, later found out about it being an existing comericial font. I decided to completed it anyway. But for this reason it will not be available for downloading. Sorry...
By popular demand, I'm very proud to present you this recreation/digitization of Maxim Zhukov's Meander (an experimental modular type design from 1972, which was used in cover artworks for Stereolab's Dots and Loops album and Miss Modular EP).
Now supports Cyrillic characters and includes other custom-made glyphs, like numerals and punctuation marks.
References: Type Journal: "Towards an open layout: A letter to Volodya Yefimov", "Искусство шрифта. Работы московских художников книги. 1959–1974" (The Lettering Art. Works by Moscow book designers 1959–1974), pg. 35
Rickiestereo is a Sans-Serif font carefully designed for computer & mobile screens.
Our insistence black font Is now used a expertly hinted for screen use. So It was similar to Artmix. a pretty completive set of diacritics, as well as a stylistic alternative inspired by more sans-serif and claim typefaces than its nonsense Hardcore inspired default character set. the forms for the Rickiestereo typeface letter Q were being drawn.
Looking for the cities.
This is my first typeface made in Fontstruct and it is a part of my degree. The theme of the project is “Rebirth”. With this Fontstruction I am trying to revamp some of the typefaces being used for headlines and drop caps in books or newspaper. I am aiming for a more boxy and modern look, by some separations in the structure of the letters. My main inspiration came from sci-fi books and encyclopedias.
Unbroke 2 is an update on my earlier Unbroke. It is a san-serif headline display typeface inspired by the prensent and the absent; the broken and whole. It is minimalist heavily derivative of stencil typography.
This is a cloneExtrapolation of the lettering found on a 1976 calender by Wim Crouwel.
I know this has already been done before, here is one that was done by Wilson Thomas. Who did a far more extensivey version that also includes extended Latin. Check his version out here:
Apart from a couple of glyphs that were done notably different and some other tiny differences in detais the two are pretty similar, but most certainly not copied.
Extrapolation of the lettering found on a Dutch renovation brochure. I have no clue if it is a existing font or not. I only used the letters from the brochure as guide and did zero research on it's origin.
Enjoy nonetheless!
I created this typeface around the theme of gregarious, focusing on gregarious plants. I started with drawing the letterforms in ink using a rolled up leaf. The results were twig-like marks which reminded me of the illustrations from 'A Monster Calls' so I developed the letters thinking how they could work alongside this or another story. The name 'This Wild Earth' is taken from the book and I think reflects the scratchy and bold feel of the typeface.